2025 Yom Chadash Sponsorship Package

Thank you your interest in participating as a sponsor or vendor for the 2025 ARJE/ECE-RJ Yom Chadash Annual Gathering. Once your participation is confirmed, you will receive an invoice and confirmation email with follow up details. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jen Greene: jgreene@reformeducators.org or 212-452-6510.

Please complete this form with the information for the main point of contact regarding your participation. Note: This contact does not have to be same as your attendees. 

Sponsorship form is due by: November 15, 2024

Fields marked with an * are required.

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Please upload your current logo as a high resolution .png or .eps file.   

20MB max

Please share with us the name(s) of your attendees who may be joining us at the conference. If you do not know yet please write undecided. If you are not attending in person, please write not attending. This information will be used to create your event name tag. For each person attending, a registration link will be provided once your sponsorship is confirmed.

Please share with us the email addresses of those who may be joining us at the conference. If you do not know yet please write undecided. If you are not attending in person, please write not attending.

Your swag item must be an item and not handouts/flyers. In order for us to avoid duplication of items, please indicate what you would like to provide. All handouts should be distributed from your marketplace table.  If you are unsure of the swag item at this time, please write unsure. The planning team will be in touch to confirm the item, so that you can order with plenty of time. All items must be received by January 13, 2025.

We are always looking to expand our sponsors for Yom Chadash. Please share with us any of your partners that might be interested in joining the sponsor pool or the vendor marketplace. 

Sponsorship Options
Please select which of the following Sponsorship Opportunities you are interested in.